And whoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, he shall certainly not lose his reward.
Matthew 10:42
100% of the resources donated to this fund will be used to directly support services to the children and people of the Arua district in Uganda. $3,150 is needed for the start of Term 2 (June, 2025).
To contribute via our GiveSendGo page, please click here
Please note, US OCRE is a 501c3 organization. Your tax deductible contribution is greatly appreciated.
Please contact me if you have questions ( Many thanks for your support! - Peter
Time and other donations in the form of joining our email list, sharing our website on social media, suggestions for website improvement or outreach, agreeing to run a fundraiser on our behalf, supporting organizational collaborations that will benefit those served (and any other ideas you have!) are welcome. Please share your thoughts on the Get Involved page.